I thought we had a deal.
I thought you were supposed to fly whenever a car was getting close to you.
I thought that after all this years, you and your mates had already figured out that I cannot stop my car just for you and wait till you decide to get out of my way. Eventhough I wanna make it very clear that I always reduce the velocity when I see anyone of you.
What I'm trying to say here is: Since when you decided not to fly anymore? Since when did all of you decided to stay and confront our automobiles?
Dear Mr Pidgeon, since when are you a rebel?
Sincerely yours,
Human Kind.
Sério, já tem um tempo q eu tenho observado que os pombos andam rebeldes. Não saem mais da frente dos carros, atravessam a rua andando... sei lá... as vezes a vontade q eu tenho é de mandar uma cartinha pra algum deles perguntando desde quando tá rolando essa rebeldia, e principalmente, porquê?!?