Wednesday, September 23, 2009

I used to have a dream...

I never wished to be a mom.

I never wished to get pregnant.

I never wanted to be fully responsible for someone else's life.




But, If I ever become a mom I wanna raise a good human being.

I wanna teach him (yes, him, of course it'd be a boy) how to respect everyone who has a different opinion than his.

I wanna show him how wonderful life can be even when it gets tough and makes you wonder what did you do to deserve so much pain.

I wanna be able to explain to him that no matter what he does, he'll always be alone at the end, but not on the sad way, I just wanna make him understand that even after having an amazing day with the people you love all you have at the end of the day is yourself... and your thoughts and your beliefs.

I'd like to make him believe in a higher power. I want him to know that there is karma and what goes around will always come around.

I'd like him to be strong enough to know when not to cry, when to cry and more than this, know when crying in front of someone.

I wanna raise him well, I wanna teach him how to be thankful every single moment for being healthy, being alive and being aware of all that.

I want him not to fear living.

I want him to be brave enough not to fear a fight and smart enough to chose the right ones.

I wanna teach him how to treat a womam, how to treat a child and how to treat an old person.

I wanna be able to live to see his smile when he finds out love for the first time, as much as I wanna be there for him when he finds out that sometimes love isn't a two-way road.

I wanna see him find true love and treat it properly. Fighting everyday for that love to survive, knowing that sometimes love itself is not enough and that you have to believe and desire more than anything so this can really work.

I want him to have money enough to enjoy the good things life can offer and share with others in need, but I want him to know that money isn't everything.

I want him to know NY, London, Greece, Tokyo, India, China and Africa. I want him to know that life can be so amazing and still so different from place to place.

I want him to be healthy most of the time.

I wish him the best friends, the great ones. Those we only realize how great they are when we fell pretty hard.

I wish him love. Pure and real love.

I wish him hope.

I wish him a long life.

I wish him everyday of his life happyness.

But above all this I wish him wisdom, patience and compassion .


Renata said...

Muitas lagriminhas aqui. Quero poder ensinar tudo isso pro meu pequeno!
Lindo, lindo, lindo texto!

Myself said...

Parece eu falando.
Sério mesmo.

Mas não tão bonito,rs


Cinthya Rachel said...

que lindo isso icezinha do meu coração!

Unknown said...

Bom,não achei a tecla SAP e vc sabe que eu não falo inglês.
Depois vou colocar no tradutor on line.
Mas a questão é:cadê nossa foto naquela avenida imensa,totalmente perdidas e à procura do j....zinho?
Beijos,amei te ver de novo.

Unknown said...

Nossa,fui no tradutor on line.
Eu sou a mãe que deseja tudo isso para os três pedaços de mim.
Será que vc não quer ser mãe?
Eu acho que vc já tem uma mãe latente dentro de vc.
Só as pessoas capazes de amar assim,de desejar tudo isso,podem ser mães de verdade.
Suspirei aqui chuchu.

Roberta Antiquera said...

Lágrimas rolaram aqui...

Anonymous said...

Dá pra publicar numa revista supimpa!
Você ainda quer as fotos? Porque eu tô sem meu pc, mas tem essa da Paulista:

Unknown said...

Muito lindo chuchu, nem toda mãe pensa como vc, senão teríamos pessoas melhores nesse mundo.

Talvez eu deseje ou muitas outras mães tb... Mas como é difícil colocar em prática...

Lindo texto.


Unknown said...

Como toda mae, desejo tudo que voce falou para minha Lynda. As vezes a vida nao e facil, mas nestes momentos, a gente tem que reagir e pensa no melhor para nosso futuro. Te amo Milaneza.
